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Hello Kitty Birthday Party

Happy December!

We threw a first birthday party for our little girl and if you want to guess what theme I will give you one hint: look at my past post. Yes, you guessed it, it was a Hello Kitty birthday party.

Let's start with the invitations, when I was designing I wanted something soft pink, chic and stunning. They also needed to be relatively quick to make and had to fit an A2 envelope. I wanted to use the leftover envelopes from her birth announcement. I searched for months and made several prototypes until I settled on these. 

Little did I know that they would end up being a hit on Etsy. So much so that I am thinking of selling the svg setup file with commercial license (note, does not include Hello Kitty, only the pull and print mechanism designed by me).

Next was the decor. I will leave you with pictures galore below. Enjoy!


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