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Pregnancy Journal


I am coming back from my hiatus and so excited to be sharing projects again! A little explanation: I found out I was pregnant recently and had A LOT OF "morning" sickness. This compromised my time in my craft room significantly. If I was not hugging the commode, I was laying in bed like a beached whale. Fast forward to now, my second trimester and I am feeling SO MUCH better!

With this intro comes this project! It is my very own pregnancy journal. It is available as an immediate download on my Etsy shop at:

I am excited to share it because I have been using it religiously and designed it to be a VERY useful and beautiful keepsake. It is mostly in the practical side, but it also allows you to incorporate some cute scrapbooking and decorating skills.

To watch the full walkthrough see the video and pictures below!

Hope you enjoy this!







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