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Happy National Scrapbook Day! Flintstones Layout

Today I bring you a quickly pieced video. First part was recorded about a month ago. I have been having the hardest time finding time to craft and worst: my internet does not cooperate with uploads.

This said it is hard to put good content out there. Despite these challenges I could not let National Scrapbook Day go unnoticed.

Scrapbooking has given my life a complete outlet to unwind and be creative. I love the products, the craft the meticulous time it takes to make one layout. It often takes me over 8 hours to do one good layout. This is because I really love doing it and I pour my heart and soul into it.

I hope you enjoy this Flintstones layout. I loved watching them as a kid and can't wait to do one of the Jetsons also

I hope this inspires you!






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