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1500k subscribers!

Hello all,

I am so excited to be sharing this with you today. I have for you 2 pdfs. And while I know it is not as exciting as a giveaway, the reason I prefer freebies over giveaways is because I want to be able to reach every last one of the people that follow me.

If you are not a subscriber and are only following me to download the free printables, please do not subscribe if you plan on dropping me. You can download the files just the same and seeing my subscriber number decrease greatly hurts my feelings. This is another reason I stay away from giveaways, it encourages people to follow for the giveaway only to have a big drop for non-organic traffic...anyway...let me not ramble anymore.

My two pdfs are tied to my 2017 change to doing project life. I have a video below that explains my reasoning to doing it, and to doing it the way I am...(not your traditional pocket pages). But for the meantime, the first pdf is a layout guide to doing project life with traditional 12" x 12" plastic pages. The second pdf is a printable pdf featuring scrapbooking words.

Hope you enjoy this and a BIG THANK YOU to my legacy subscribers, throughout the years I have received emails of inspiration and you are the reason I keep doing this. Also, don't forget to support other paper crafters, and if you are a paper crafter and want to leave me a comment or send me a message I would be happy to subscribe and support you.

Hope this inspired you,








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