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Echo Park Stencils - Review

Happy Saturday!

With the holidays upon us, and with my project life resolution I am excited to be showing this product review and project shares.

I received two stencils from Paper Garden ( They are Echo Park 6" x 6" stencils. I love the size, because even though they are smaller to use than a 12 x 12, you can combine to get great looks and use for project life cards, regular cards, and even regular layouts if you layer them or combine (4) of them.

I chose these specific ones because they are generic shapes and can be used in a variety of ways. As you can see most of my cards I themed for the holidays, but you can theme in many other ways.

To see all the Echo Park Stencils available at Paper Garden visit:

Take a look at my tryout video and let me know what you think!






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